Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Working Together for a Better Future

On Friday, October 8th, San Mateo Adult ESL students worked together for a better future for all of us, by preparing the ground for fruit trees.

These trees will add to the already thriving school garden as well as lower the overall carbon dioxide content of our planet's atmosphere.

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

International Day 2010

On June 18th, San Mateo Adult School students and staff celebrated the many cultures that make our school, community and world such a rich and wonderful experience.

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Good Work at a Good School

Thanks to his own hard work - and the San Mateo Adult School, Sergio Mora is about to graduate with a high school diploma. Read more his story here.
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Friday, May 14, 2010

Monday and Tuesday May 17 and 18

A very resourceful Level 3 student named Amparo Medina Pina has started
a club. The club has already taken a trip to the Asian Art Museum on 5/2, and Amparo has many
great ideas for other free field trips.

Meetings in May in room 107 and 108: MW and TR 12:30-2:00
Meetings in June and July in nearby location: MW, TR, Friday and
Saturday 10:00-12:00 and 12:00-2:00
Students and teachers can contact Amparo at this email:

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thanks for a Dream Fulfilled

Francisco Ramos, originally from El Salvador, says his hardest task here in the U.S. has been finding a job. He writes this about his experience:

I was a regular student in San Bruno Adult School. I remember when I talked with Teacher Jay about my task, about how I was looking for a job and a few days later he gave me the information about another class at San Mateo Adult School - "Job Search/Resume Writing." He put me in touch with teacher Martin Doener, who is in charge of that class and Martin helped me to write a Personal Resume, a Cover Letter, like it is used in the USA. He taught me how to use the different web pages for looking for a job and how to practice some personal interviews with the most useful questions in the real market. After all these things, I am right now an employee, and I am very thankful for the Adult School, because when I was desperate, without any options, in the Adult School of San Mateo I found hope. Thanks to everyone who´s helped me to make my American dream come true.
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Thanks At Every Stage

Gabriela Castro is also writing to show her appreciation and concern for the Adult School.

To whom it may concern:

I wrote this letter because other students and I are worried because we are going to have less support from you. This is really sad because through the Adult School we learn English.

For me, the Adult School is helpful. It has been around me in different stages of my life. For example: teaching me basic English wwith which I found a job. When I had the job in the morning, I was still going to school at night time. Now I have two children and I found a perfect program for me - Distance Learning. This is a program to do your lessons and homework in your own time. And the Adult School is helping me with my children. I cannot pay for pre-school becasue it is really expensive but I was looking for some activities for my kids to help them to learn and then the Adult Schol has this program - Play As Learning. This program helps with differnt skills like socializiation, communication, follow the instructions, colors, vocabulary, and more.

Withouit this help, I am sure that I could not have the life I am having now, becasue to go to college or pay for pre-school are so expensive that I can't pay it.

So I want to say thank you for helping us but we still need your support becasue education is importatnt to have a better job, family, communities and my world for sure is going to be better. Just please continue with the support becasue we need it. Thanks.

Gabriela Castro
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A Letter of Thanks

Red Letter Day is coming - our chance to speak up and tell the State Legislature how the Adult School helps the community.

ESL student Barbara Brehovska writes:


My name is Barbora Brehovska. I am from the Czech Republic and now I am a student of the Adult School in San Mateo.

The Adult School is very important for me. The school helps me to understand and speak in English better. Also, the school helps me to be a good parent too.
I can help my daughter with her homework, I can be a volunteer at daughter's school, I can read to her. We can go to the Public Library. It is very good for me and for my family.

I really appreciate this possibility - to study English at the Adult School.

Barbora Brehovska
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Monday, May 3, 2010

Motivation and Support

A San Mateo Adult School ESL class is where Marita Marquez-Muzzi found the motivation and support she needed to succeed.

Seventeen years ago, she came here from Cordoba, Argentina. Initially, she felt ignorant and frustrated, unable to make friends and express her love of life and people the same way she could in Spanish. Communication and connection are important to Marita. Not being able to reach out to others as a friend in English troubled her.

Lack of English created other challenges: shopping, healthcare, banking, and so many other things are much harder to deal with when you can't do deal with them in English. Her sisters helped her and she was grateful but she wanted to do these these things for herself.

The solution to her problems was an ESL class at the San Mateo Adult School Foster City campus. There she gained not just English but the courage to continue her studies all the way to college.

According to Marita, she still has a "looong" way to go, but according to her friends and teachers, she has come a "looong" way, as well. She speaks English beautifully, makes friends everywhere she goes, and brings cheer and comfort to the residents of the Millbrae Magnolia, where she works managing Emma's Sweet Shop.

All these things were made possible by her own strong spirit - and classes at the San Mateo Adult School.
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Monday, April 26, 2010

School Brings Friends and Job

Keiko Hanawa moved here from Japan eighteen months ago. She jumped into classes at the Adult School, taking an afternoon Conversation class for ESL students as well as Finding a Job in the Bay Area (for ESL Students)."

Keiko says the Adult School gave her opportunities to learn English and understand American culture. She practiced with classmates from around the world - classmates who have become her closest friends now. "You never have such a wonderful experience if you didn’t go to the adult school."

About the job search class, she says, "This class was so helpful to find a job. Martin taught us how to write a resume, cover letter and answer the questions in the interview. I actually sent my resume and cover letter that I wrote in this class to my current employer. Martin encouraged and helped us to find a job and I made it. If I hadn’t taken this class, I couldn’t have gotten a job."
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Monday, March 29, 2010

From The Heart

San Mateo Adult School student Li knows it is very important to speak up now. More cuts to education - to our school and all schools - are possible. She has written a letter to Senator Leland Yee about how SMAS has helped her.

Here, with her permission, is her letter:

The Honorable Senator Leland Yee,

My name is Li, and I come from China. I write this letter just to let you know how much I deeply appreciate the San Mateo adult school from my heart. It has changed my life.
A few years ago, when I came to the USA, I couldn’t speak any English. I couldn’t help my kids with their school work or get involved at their school at all. I couldn’t see the doctor by myself. I didn’t have any entertainment. When my children and I needed to see a doctor, my husband had to take the day off to take us to see a doctor. When my husband or someone asked me to go to a movie, I couldn’t go, because I didn’t speak English and didn’t understand English. But the San Mateo Adult School helped me. I learned to talk, read, and write English at the Adult School. Now I can go to movies; I can see my doctor by myself; I can volunteer at my kid’s school; I can help our community; and I can do a better job when I teach Chinese to children in the US.
So, I like the adult school. I think it is very important for us, and very important for our community.

Yours Sincerely,

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Family of Schools

The San Mateo Adult School is not the only place helping people gain new job skills, complete their GED, stay healthy, learn English, become better parents, or develop new connections in their community. There are 340 adults schools across California,
serving more than 1.2 million people.

Learn more about them here.
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Share Your Story

Do you have a personal success story to share?

Do you know of students - ESL, Parent Ed, Fifty Plus, Vocational Ed - who have benefited from our programs and would like to share their stories with the public?

Now, in this time of crisis, when our school - like all public schools - is threatened by more cuts, we need those stories.

Contact Teacher Cynthia at cyn.eagleton@gmail.com if you have a story to share or know of someone who does.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

We're Standing For Us - We're Standing For You

Students and teachers took a stand today at the San Mateo Adult School.

They lined up early this morning to call attention to the cuts that have been made and the cuts that loom before us if we don't change our priorities.

They will stand again this afternoon on El Camino Ave from Millbrae Avenue to San Bruno.

Districtwide, students, parents, teachers, administrators, and members of the community are standing up for public education.

Come join us: Today, Thursday, March 4, 3:30 pm, El Camino Ave from Millbrae Ave to San Bruno.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Students Speak Up

All across the state of California, students, teachers, parents, and members of the community are gathering on Thursday, March 4 to speak up for education, including right here at the San Mateo Adult School.

Read more about the actions planned for this day here.

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Monday, February 8, 2010

District Success is Adult School Success

Many people may not realize that the San Mateo Adult School is part of the San Mateo Union High School District. We are under their auspices. Our success is their success and visa-versa.

As everyone knows, times are challenging nowadays. Unemployment has increased and funds for education have done just the opposite.

But that has not stopped the San Mateo Union High School District. The administration, led by Superintendent Scott Laurence, is working hard to deal with these challenges wisely, creatively, and prudently.

Visit the District website at www.smuhsd.org
and click on Budget Information and Update - Superintendent's Letter to learn more about how the District is meeting these challenges.

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